The aim of the scientific network is to explore, systematize, and develop the nascent field of communication memory studies. It elaborates its fundaments in different areas of social sciences and cultural studies, maps its pivotal areas of inquiry as well as its analytical perspectives.
The network fosters the translocal, issue-driven cooperation in order to survey and compare the disparate theoretical and empirical strands of research on cultural memory and social remembering in communication studies. They are critically reviewed, conjointly documented, and further examined as the constitutive elements of the emerging area of communication memory studies. Due to the variety of paradigms and approaches it is necessary to work across disciplines and interact especially with the social sciences and cultural studies as well as to take an international perspective.
The network is funded by a networking grant from the German Research Foundation (PE 2436/1-1). The network is coordinated by Christian Pentzold from the University of Leipzig and Christine Lohmeier who works at the University of Salzburg. Get in touch.