Members (as of December 2022)

Thomas Birkner is professor of journalism at the Paris Louron University Salzburg, Austria. His research is based in journalism studies, political communication, communication history and media systems.

Elke Grittmann is professor for media and society at the University of Applied Science Magdeburg-Stendhal. Her work deals with visual communication, communication gender studies, media and migration, as well methods of visual analysis.

Anne Kaun is professor at Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden. She is mainly interested in how media technologies enable and constrain organization and mobilization within social and protest movements in terms of temporality and spatiality.

Christine Lohmeier is a professor of communication studies at the University of Salzburg. She leads the department ‘Media usage and Digital Cultures’. Her research relates to media sociology, media-culture analysis and qualitative methods. She coordinates the network in cooperation with Christian Pentzold.

Judith Lohner is a manager in the department for university strategy with a focus on excellence strategy, University of Hamburg. Her research focuses on international and transnational comparative journalism studies, media memory studies, journalism and transitional justice, media and democratization, transcultural communication, and the European public sphere.

Manuel Menke is assistant professor at the University of Copenhagen. The focus of his work rests on media nostalgia, memory practices, media change and society change, communication history, journalism studies, communication and media ethics, and narratology.

Anke Offerhaus is university lecturer at the Institute for Historical Journalism, Communication and Media Studies (IPKM) and postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research, University of Bremen. Research interests: journalism research, media and public sociology with a focus on European publics, media reception/appropriation with emphasis on religion, and online mourning.

Christian Pentzold is professor of media and communication at the University of Leipzig. In his academic work, he is look at internet-assisted communication and collaboration, digital media technologies, qualitative methods in communication research and media analysis, as well as theories of media practices and everyday mediated culture.
Dimitri Prandner is a research associate at the University of Linz, Austria. He is mainly interested in the sociology of culture, sociology of news, power as social dimension, cultural trauma theory, cultural narratives and discourses, methods of the social sciences, sociology of work, plus gender and minority issues.

Christina Sanko is a media educator at Frauengesundheit in Tenever. In her work, she studies intercultural and transcultural communication, ethics of communication and media, and journalism.

Andreas M. Scheu is a research fellow at the Academy of Science Berlin-Brandenburg. He is interested in mediatization, science communication, qualitative methods, and the disciplinary history and history of theories of communication studies.

Christian Schwarzenegger is Akademischer Rat at the Institute for Media, Knowledge and Communication, Augsburg University. He conducts research on the following fields: media change and society change, communication history, communication and space, media and everyday life, and the theories and history of the field of communication research.

Kaya de Wolff is a research associate at Goethe-University Frankfurt. In her work she is interested in media and cultural analysis, media memory culture, postcolonial theory, media and globalization, visual culture, and qualitative methods.
Associates (as of December 2022)
Rieke Böhling works as a research associate in the Institute for Historic Journalism, Communication and Media Studies at Bremen University. Her projects deal with Migration studies, cultural representations of migration and migrants in different media, interpretative text analysis.
Astrid Erll is professor of anglophone literatures and cultures. She has published extensively in the field of memory studies, for example Memory in Culture (2011), A Companion to Cultural Memory Studies (ed. with Ansgar Nünning, 2010), Mediation, Remediation and the Dynamics of Cultural Memory (ed. with Ann Rigney, de Gruyter 2009). She is co-editor of the series Media and Cultural Memory (de Gruyter, since 2004) and member of the editorial boards of the journal Memory Studies (SAGE) and the book series Memory Studies (Palgrave).
Joanne Garde-Hansen is professor in culture, media and communication, and directs the Centre for Cultural & Media Policy Studies and teaches on the MA Global Media and Communication at the University of Warwick. Her research and teaching focus upon media, memory, archives and heritage.
Rik Smit is an assistant professor for media studies at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. He is interested, among others, in Memory Studies, Social and Alternative Media, and Journalism Studies.
Leif Kramp is research coordinator of the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) at the University of Bremen. He focuses on media and communication Studies, journalism research, transcultural communication, international media cultures, global media change, media and cultural politics, media history and heritage media management.
Katharina Niemeyer is professor for media theory at The Media School, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada. She is particularly interested in the relation of media, memory, history and nostalgia as well as in (international) media events, their ‘liveness’ and commemorations or artistic extensions and transformations within popular culture and fiction.
Philipp Seuferling is a lecturer at LSE, UK. His general research interests lie in the intersections of media and migration studies, media history and memory studies, especially in Germany, Sweden and Finland.
Vivien Sommer is a research associate in the Institute of Sociology at the Berlin Institute of Technology. As a postdoc she is part of the DFG-funded project “Socio-spatial Transformations in German-Polish ‘Interstices’ – Practices of Debordering and Rebordering”. Her research is based in ethnography, discourse analysis, qualitative social research, sociology of media and communication, sociology of knowledge, visual sociology, and social memory studies.
Stefanie Trümper is a media and communication scholar. She works as scientific officer at Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) in Hamburg. Her major research interests and topics include comparative journalism research, media memory studies, mediated time as well as climate- and science communication.
Martin Zierold is professor for organization theory and change management at the University for Music and Theater, Hamburg. His academic work revolves around cultural management, non profit management, knowledge management, organization theory and change management, digitization and media history, media and cultural theory, media culture.
Martin Krieg is department manager for digital media at the German Audit Bureau of Circulation (IVW) .
Oren Meyers is professor at the Haifa University, Isreal. His research interests focus on journalistic Practices and Values, Collective Memory and Popular Culture.
Erik Koenen works as research fellow at the IPKM of the University Bremen. His work is focused on the theoretical History of Communication Studies, Communication and Media History as well as the Political Communication of International Institutions and Organisations.
Thomas Wiedemann is research fellow at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, München. His research interests are: cinematic sociology, media and communication history and qualitative methods.
Martina Thiele is professor at the University of Tubingen. Her research interests focus on Communication Theories, Media History as well as Gender Studies, Stereotypes and Prejudice.
Sascha Trültzsch-Wijnen is associate professor at the University of Salzburg. His research interests lie in the areas of media history and the presentation of historical events in audiovisuell media.
Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt is an associate professor at the Department of Communication and Journalism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research focuses on cultural and political dimensions of journalism from a comparative perspective, media and conflict, mediated memory, and the intersection of journalism, political communication and popular culture.
Paul Frosh is an professor at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests include communication and cultural theory, visual media (especially photography and television), consumer culture, the media and ethical concern, and the aesthetics of digital interfaces and digital images.
Jeffrey Olick is William R. Kenan, Jr. professor of sociology and history and chair of the sociology department at the University of Virginia. He is also Co-President of the Memory Studies Association. He is a cultural and historical sociologist whose work has focused on collective memory and commemoration, critical theory, transitional justice, postwar Germany, and sociological theory more generally.
Anna Reading is professor of culture and creative industries at the King’s College London and Director of the Arts and Humanities Research Institute. She has research interests, publications and funded projects in gender, memory and activism, the holocaust, migranthood and digital memory; media memories of Eastern Europe and neurodiversity and cultural memory.
Karina Horsti is senior lecturer at the University of Jyväskylä. Her current research examines public remembering of forced migration and the commemoration of deaths at Europe’s borders.
Andrew Hoskins is interdisciplinary research professor in College of Social Sciences & Global Security at the University of Glasgow. His research focuses on the intersection of digital war and media and memory.
Carolyn Kitch is professor of journalism in the Department of Journalism and Media & Communication at the Temple University. Her research focusses on media history, media and social memory, gender and media, visual communication, journalism theory, magazine journalism, and cultural studies.
Katharina Lobinger is associate professor for online communication at the Institute of Digital Technologies for Communication (ITDxC) at Università della Svizzera italiana. Her main research interests include networked photography, online communication, digital (visual) culture, ethics for the digital age, and creative and visual research methods.
Jeff Pooley is professor of media & communication at Muhlenberg College.
Oliver Dimbath is professor for sociology at the University of Koblenz-Landau. His research focuses on general sociology and sociological theory, sociology of knowledge and sociology of social memories, sociology of science, sociology of film and sociology of culture and methods of (especially qualitative) empirical social research.
Randi Lorenz Marselis is an associate professor at the Department of Communication and Arts, University of Roskilde. His research focuses on ethnic relations, media and museums in multiethnic societies with specific focus on Denmark and the Netherlands.