Lohmeier, C. & Pentzold, C. (in prep.). Communicating Memory Matters in Networked Environments. Special Issue of Memory, Mind & Media.
Netzwerk Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Erinnerungsforschung (Hrsg.) (2021, in Vorb.). Handbuch kommunikationswissenschaftliche Erinnerungsforschung. De Gruyter.
Schwarzenegger, C., Koenen, E., Pentzold, C., Birkner, T. & Katzenbach, C. (Hrsg.) (2021, in Vorb.). Digitale Kommunikation und Kommunikationsgeschichte: Perspektiven, Potentiale, Problemfelder. Digital Communication Research (Open Access).
Lohmeier, C. & Pentzold, C. (2020). Erinnern in und mit digitalen Medien. merzWissenschaft Special Issue, 06/2020.
Lohmeier, C., Pentzold, C. & Kaun, A. (Hrsg.) (2020). Making time in digital societies: Considering the interplay of media, data and temporalities. New Media & Society Special Issue, 22(9), 1521-1732.
Lohmeier, C., Kaun, A. & Pentzold, C. (2020). Making Time in Digital Societies: Considering the Interplay of Media, Data and Temporalities. New Media & Society Special Issue, 22(9), 1521-1527.
Kaun, A., Pentzold, C., Lohmeier, C. (Hrsg.) (2020). Making Time for Digital Lives. Rowman & Littlefield.
Schwarzenegger, C. & Menke, M (2020). Who are the New Men in Grey? Making sense of time, time-theft, and temporal autonomy in the (non-)use of digital media. In Kaun, A., Lohmeier, C., Pentzold, C. (Hrsg.). Making Time for Digital Lives (S. 63-81). Rowman & Littlefield.
Kaun, A., Lohmeier, C. & Pentzold, C. (2020). Sketching the field and history of resisting dominant temporal regimes. In Kaun, A., Lohmeier, C., Pentzold, C. (Hrsg.). Making Time for Digital Lives (S. 1-10). Rowman & Littlefield.
Pentzold, C., Kaun, A. & Lohmeier, C. (2020): Imagining and Instituting Future Media. Convergence, 26(4), 705-715.
Pentzold, C., Kaun, A. & Lohmeier, C. (Hrsg.) (2020): Back to the Future: Telling and Taming Anticipatory Media Visions and Technologies. Convergence, 26(4), 705-856.
Pentzold, C., Sanko, C. & Böhling, R. (2019, Juni). Memories, Media, and Migration: Remembering Family Histories in Migrant and Diasporic Contexts. Third Annual Memory Studies Association Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Böhling, R. (2019, Juni). ’It All Started with Grandpa, He Changed Our Lives’: Remembering Family Migration Histories Among Grandchildren of Turkish Guest Workers in Germany. Third Annual Memory Studies Association Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Sanko, C. (2019, Juni). Divided Diaspora: Communicating Memories of Homeland and Migration in Vietnamese German Communities. Third Annual Memory Studies Association Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Pentzold, C., Sanko, C. & Menke, M. (2019, Juni). Communicating Memories: What can communication research learn from memory studies, and vice versa? Third Annual Memory Studies Association Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Schwarzenegger, C. & Koenen, E. (2019, Mai). Kommunikationsgeschichte – Institute, Schulen, Traditionen: Taktgeber und Antreiber der Kommunikationswissenschaft im historischen Wandel. DGPuK annual meeting, Münster, Germany.
Koenen, E., Schwarzenegger, C., Bolz, L., Gentzel, P., Kramp, L., Pentzold, C. & Sanko, C. (2018). Historische Kommunikations- und Medienforschung im digitalen Zeitalter. Ein Kollektivbeitrag der Initiative „Kommunikationsgeschichte digitalisieren“ zu Konturen, Problemen und Potentialen kommunikations- und medienhistorischer Forschung in digitalen Kontexten. Medien & Zeit, 33(2), 4-19.
Schwarzenegger, C., Birkner, T. & Scheu, A. M. (2022). How to Remember an Academic Discipline? Arbeitspapier IV.
Sanko, C. (2020). Mapping the field: Visual communication and collective remembering in the everyday. Arbeitspapier III.
Lohner, J. & De Wolff, Kaya (2019). Transnational Memory Cultures and Journalism. Arbeitspapier II.
Pentzold, C., Lohmeier, C., Kaun, A. (2018). Was will, was kann, was soll eine kommunikationswissenschaftliche Erinnerungsforschung? Arbeitspapier I.